Wednesday, September 28, 2005

March On Poverty Houston's Resurrection City


Today, thousands of Black Hurricane Rita Survivors, seeking access to federal aid stations located inside Reliant Park, were left outside on cement walkways for over 10 HOURS in 100 + degree temperatures. I know because I stood with them, summoned there to establish a care center for the children of applicants queued up in long lines. Security guards had watched too many hours of scary NOLA news footage and refused to unlock the gates.

The wait could have been conducted in any number of Houston's massive/air conditioned cathedrals, performance halls or public buildings but because the class and color of these human beings DOES NOT COUNT...
This travesty was allowed to go forth in brutalizing weather, televised on all three local evening news channels.

We must understand that Superdome New Orleans was no accident.

Instead it was the result of U.S. public policy now hundreds of years in the making.

If it is an apocalypse that America wants, then our wish will be granted.

Either everyone's behavior changes or the Universe will hand us a purification worthy of any ancient Tibetan/Bon-Po Master

Wind, Fire, Water or a stunning combination of all three.

Nearly 40 years ago Dr. Martin Luther King tried to warn us off of our own self-destructive civic path.

Will we listen now?

"America is at a crossroads of history and it is critically important for us, as a nation and a society, to choose a new path and move upon it with resolution and courage. It is impossible to underestimate the crisis we face in America. The stability of civilization, the potential of free government, and the simple honor of human beings is at stake. We have been given the opportunity to initiate a 'last chance' project to arouse the American conscience toward constructive democratic change. The nation has been warned that our society faces catastrophic divisions in an approaching doomsday if the country does not act. We have an opportunity to avoid a national disaster and to create a new spirit of harmony."

MLK December 4, 1967