Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Stay At Home Kids Play Doctor

Play Doctor and learn how to:
Listen to a ❤️ heart beat, Take a temperature, Measure out pretend liquid meds using a calibrated dropper, Feel for a pulse, Create and use a handmade eye chart, Tap knees for reflexes, Create a patient chart with dates, times, symptoms and cure, Write a prescription, Make a Patient scheduling book, Fill empty containers with food coloring meds and use art supplies to make bottle labels, Learn the names and spellings for common medications like aspirin or eucalyptus. Fill your hours with imaginative medical investigations. Oh, and be sure to draw a detailed x-ray of a human body. Lots of bones to consider.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Cardboard Carpentry Community School

Dial-Up Story Time For Stay At Homes

The Denver Public Library is happy to announce that now you can call 720-865-8500 and listen to stories, songs and rhymes in English, Spanish, Amharic and Vietnamese. And you can access this fun service 24/7!
Phone-a-story offers a wide range of stories for different age groups and you can listen to them as many times as you want. Dial 720-865-8500 and just follow the directions:
  • For a Preschool story in Spanish, press 1
  • For a song, rhyme or riddle in Spanish, press 2
  • For a Preschool story in English, press 3
  • For a story for Grades K-5 in English, press 4
  • For a longer story for grades 5th-8th in English, press 5
  • For a song, rhyme or riddle in English, press 6
  • For a song, story or rhyme in Amharic, press 7
  • For a traditional story in English, press 8
  • For a story, song or rhyme in Vietnamese, press 9
  • Want to suggest a song or story, or just to provide feedback? Press 0