Saturday, July 23, 2016

Kindergarten The Way We Like It

Text is by Clara Cassidy and Pictures are by Eloise Wilkin.  We see children doing what children should be doing in Kindergarten,  Working with clay.  Fingerpainting.  Feeding live animals who are kept in the classroom.  Playing instruments under the direction of a teacher who knows a bit about music and actually plays a full sized piano which sits in the classroom.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Umi: The Hawaiian Boy Who Became A King

A Hawaiian legend of the Cinderella type in the story of a boy brought up in ignorance of his royal birth and of his dramatic initiation into the knowledge and his proof of his right to princeship. During the period of his life with his foster parents, there is opportunity for presenting good background material of the life. Well done -- a touch of mystery -- enough of excitement. (Kirkus Review 1936)
There are seriously Beautiful Colors in these illustrations by WPA muralist, Robert Lee Eskridge.
An online viewing is available on Open Library.

William Finnegan introduces us to this book in his 2015 memoir, Barbarian Days A Surfing Life.  Thrown into a tough, inner-city type, 8th grade intermediate school in Honolulu, Umi helps Finnegan uncover the positive indigenous history of the island, its surfers, and the sacred rituals fundamental to the sport.  And in a strange way, Umi helps Finnegan become an anthropological surfer dude, embracing cultures and traditions around the world as he chases the waves.