Thursday, July 12, 2012

Jerrold R. Zacharias - The Infinity Factory

"Peanut Pirates" is just one episode from The Infinity Factory which premiered 
January 31, 1976 on PBS. 

Jerrold R. Zacharias, the creator, aimed to produce a television series for inner city children that showed them how mathematics worked practically in their everyday lives.

Zacharias was an American physicist and Institute Professor at MIT.  

He worked on the Elementary Science Study with friends David Hawkins and Phillip Morrison.

 Zacharias was founder of Education Development Center. 

During the 1970's he took on standardized testing, criticizing it for stifling student independent thinking and curiosity in science.  

Zacharias referred to the testing industry as: 

"The Gestapo of Educational Systems....
Uniformity and rigidity require enforcement, so I have chosen a most denigrating title for the enforcement agency.  Its hallmark is arbitrariness, secrecy, intolerance, and cruelty."

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