TO: NH Kindergarten Teacher 63M42
FROM: US Department of Education, Bill and Melinda Gates Substation
CC: Business Roundtable
National Governors Association
Council of Chief State School Officers
US Chamber of Commerce
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Stanford Graduate School of Education
American Federation of Teachers, CCSS Branch
National Education Association, CCSS Tributory
National PTA, CCSS Bureau
New York Times Editorial
Pearson Products and Services
RE: Appropriate Classroom Pre-Common Core Test Materials File No. 28-63-0094-16, QZ18-CCSS, Sec. 14
It has come to the attention of the US Department of Education, Bill and Melinda Gates Substation that there has been recent unauthorized activity preceding the above referenced Common Core test. You have been identified as the for-hire person responsible for the classroom containing the following unauthorized materials
• construction blocks;
• finger paints and paper;
• sand table;
• play house with kitchen utensils and costumes;
• piano;
• improper ratio of fiction and non-fiction books. (See Guidelines 723.94A)
Be aware that "Live free or die" does not mean you may endanger your students' future as workers in the Global Economy by exposing them to unauthorized materials.
Every public school classroom must be held in sacred trust to ensure our nation's success in the competitive Global Economy.
Through the work of our research partners and poll results showing the skills most in demand from the Fortune 500, the US Department of Education, Bill and Melinda Gates Substation has determined that the activities resulting from these materials is in violation of Part 276, of the CCSS Pre-Test Plan for Preparing Workers for the Global Economy, Sections 218.27634 to 218.27686 of the CCSS Pre-Test Compiled Laws annotated.
We find the activities resulting from such materials are inherently hazardous to preparing children for their futures in the Global Economy and cannot be permitted. The Department therefore orders you to cease and desist, removing all unauthorized materials from this location and to restore your classroom to a globally competitive work-ready condition.
All restoration work shall be completed within 48 hours, 16 minutes. Please notify this office when the restoration has been completed so that a follow-up site inspection may be scheduled by our staff.
Failure to comply with this request, or any further unauthorized activity on the site, will result in this case being referred immediately for Elevated Enforcement Action. (See your union contract, Subsection 792, p. 53,486.)
We anticipate your full cooperation in this matter.
Courtesy of
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